Wonderful food, a warm welcome and a beautiful location.

Blog archives: December 2018

Woodfired Kedgeree

December 27, 2018, 12:15 am

Woodfired Kedgeree makes a fantastic brunch dish, perfect for the period over Christmas and New Year. Do check out what we did on our Youtube Channel and here's the recipe - Woodfired Kedgeree - Ingredients Serves 6 300g smoked haddock Milk 1tbsp sunflower…Read more »

Woodfired Christmas Pastries

December 20, 2018, 12:15 am

Woodfired Christmas Pastries are perfect to have to offer over the festive season - we love sausage rolls and mince pies. Cooking the pastry in the woodfired oven really puffs them up. Do check out this week's #woodfiredweekly to see what we do. This week's #woodfiredweekly   Woodfired Christmas Pastries…Read more »

Woodfired Christmas Turkey

December 13, 2018, 12:15 am

Woodfired Christmas Turkey is the best way to cook your bird for many reasons - the fantastic flavour, the super succulence and the space saving from your conventional kitchen being up there at the top. There are a few things to remember though…Read more »

Woodfired Party Food

December 6, 2018, 1:03 pm

Woodfired Party Food is a real winner - great at any time of year but especially so at Christmas with the flames burning in the background for a festive glow. Here's what we made  - the fish recipes are from our Woodfired Fish…Read more »

Christmas Presents From Manna from Devon

December 4, 2018, 2:42 pm

Christmas Presents From Manna from Devon - something for every budget whether you're buying for someone else or leaving big hints for your own present list! For the breadmakers out there - Our Woodfired Flatbreads & Pancakes - great recipes even if you don't have a woodfired oven (yet!) Our…Read more »