Wonderful food, a warm welcome and a beautiful location.

SWCP Day 2 – Big Climbs Conquered

So today was the day I was really worried about and I’m sat here talking about what’s happening with tomorrow’s walk so I must have survived. We covered 23.5 miles and climbed over 8000 ft (that’s Ben Nevis, Snowdon and a bit). At the end my legs were definitely suggesting that I might be having a laugh if I thought they were going up there but together we made it through.

On the way we made a very short detour to see ‘Verity’, Damien Hirst’s sculpture in Ilfracombe, which has definitely divided opinion and certainly can’t be ignored.


Verity at Ilfracombe

We also climbed Great Hangman, the highest point on the entire walk at 1043ft. Here are me and Rex taking a breather at the top.

David and Rex on Great Hangman

David and Rex on Great Hangman

Tomorrow’s walk is very flat so it should give my quads a chance to recover. And I’m sure a good dinner and a bed with Thom and Anna will also be a great help.